I've begun training and ministry partner development for moving to Bosnia in September. I am so blessed to be used by the Father in this far-away and different land where He is calling university students to Himself. What began as a burden for people walking in darkness has become more focused as I spend a year building relationships with college students in Sarajevo telling them about the One who changed my life.
I would love for you to be on my team of ministry partners! A group of people that I am working to put together to contribute financially to the ministry that is going on in Bosnia and that will support my ministry while I am there. check out https://give.ccci.org/give/View/0617927 .
For the past week I've been meeting with some people who have expressed interest in supporting financially what I'm doing and working on letters to send. While doing this I've thought a lot about how blessed I am to know the truth and to have the opportunity to know God personally and to experience His love and share it with other so they can experience it as well. My friend shared something with me that gave me this perspective. She showed me a picture of a grave yard in Sarajevo and remarked,"Look at all those muslims."
How can I stand by and live my life by racking up all the stuff that the world tells me I'm supposed to have, saving my money and then spending it on things that I can not take with me from this life? I must choose everyday to invest in the things do not pass away with a changing economy or styles, instead I was created for relationships and encouragement, and to go and make disciples of ALL nations that every tongue of every nation and every people will sing praises to God.
Can you imagine standing in a room full of people that you have never met that are all singing the same song, at least it has the same tune, but you can't understand what the people all around you are saying because it's all different. You see their faces as tears stream down and their arms raised as a sign of submission and pleading, and you know they mean those words just as you do, even if it sounds a little different.
This is the one true God, the one who comes down in a cloud and a pillar of fire. He comes like a thief in the night and a Glorious King of Kings, to seek and save all those who are lost. The one who made blind men see and healed Bible-time cancer (leprosy), who chose to provide a way through Jesus to bridge the gulf that separated us from Himself and tore the veil that divided us from Him in two during an earthquake as His son died on a painful cross. Who then raised His son up to life after three days, beating death and providing for relationship with Himself. Glory to the Lamb that was slain!
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