Thursday, September 3, 2009

Moving to Bosnia

Yesterday I left my home and got on a plane that would take me to Sarajevo (after two other flights) and completely change my life as I know it. It was mix of emotions between being so excited that I couldn't believe that I was finally there and terrified thinking, "What am I doing?!?!?" But as always the Lord planned ahead and was with me every step of the way- worrying for me so I didn't have to, allowing me to meet people on my journey such as Maria from Romania, and encouraging my spirit by showing time and time again that He was already in Bosnia!

My team and I arrived late because our last flight was delayed. We found two taxis to cram all of us and luggage in and headed to Grbavica, the area of town where our apts are. Praise the Lord, all of our luggage made it!

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